Eric's Resume
Huckleberry Trails Kiosks (2010)


A School of Architecture 3rd year studio project for the spring quarter. This was a group competition project in collaboration with Brian O'Leary, James Metoyer & Traci Williams. The goal: to design and fabricate two kiosks and a sign for a local public park all with $4,000 or less. I was part of the design concepts and handled most of the 3D models and making the working drawings. The winners of the in-studio competition amongst other groups would actually have their kiosks and sign built. We didn't win, but ours certainly was the best looking, and for that I'm proud to present it here.


Scaled model at 1"=1'-0" of the large kiosk standing no taller than 10".

Scaled model at 1"=1'-0" of the medium kiosk.

3D render portraying the medium kiosk and its placement in the park.

3D render portraying the sign and its placement in the park.

Construction plan outline and materials for the large kiosk design from the working drawing set.

Overall dimensions and positioning of medium kiosk bench elements.

Dimensions for wood bench assembly from the working drawing set.

A full scale study model depicting the connections for one of the main posts and beams.

Copyright © 2007 - 2014
Design By: Scott Beckman | Coded By: Eric Lancon